The starting point for all pages on flash: To flash or not to flash? Flash operation, flash brightness, flash synchronisation, flash exposure compensation
Flash – what is it capable of?
To flash or not to flash? That is the question here... Read on this page how a flash can influence your photos in different situations to be able to decide for yourself.
The basics of camera operation regarding flash – how to get your camera to take a photo with or without flash. This varies slightly between manufacturers and camera models, here are the common behaviours to help you.
When shooting with flash, your camera will set the exposure, i.e. aperture, exposure time, ISO, differently than without. Especially for the exposure time there are different rules.
Flash control means controlling the flash brightness, a separate topic from the exposure with aperture, exposure time and ISO – and the subject of this page: how cameras find the right flash brightness and how you can regulate it yourself.
Flash synchronisation is the coordination of the very short flash pulse with the much longer exposure time. There are more subtleties than one might suspect at first glance.